Oznet IT & Media Services
Domain Redirection- URL forwarding

We thank you for choosing our service for your online presence. You'll be well pleased with the service. Please fill in the form below and submit it. we will contact you with the confirmation. This form is Secure


Information:  (All fields marked with  * must be completed.)
E-mail address:*
First name:*
Last name:*
Company :
Post code:*

If you are registering a Domain Name and Redirecting, Please note that there is an additional fee AU$99 for .com.au or US$35 or equivalent for .com, .net, .org. .biz domains for a two year registration. This will be added to your order. If you are not sure what you need to do, say so in the Comments.

Domain Name
Domain Status
Redirection Plan:
AUNic, Internic fee
If Registering Domain
Redirect to URL:
Forward Email to:
Method of Payment
Credit Card No
Expiry Date:
Card Validation Code Click here for explanation
Name on Card
Are you also interested in any other Service?

How did you find out about us:  
If other, please enter here:
Would like to receive our Newsletter? Yes

Warning: We will aggressively prosecute anyone attempting to misuse a credit card number. Your IP number will be logged for security purposes. 

Oznet IT & Media Services:
 Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia
Phone: 0425 286 233